Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Happy New Year

Not posted for a few weeks, so here is the latest, oh and a Happy New Year to you all, I somehow feel that ours is going to be a really happy one!!

 Here's a picture from the second week of December, unfortunately the light on the wheelhouse spoils it a bit. You can see that the portholes have been cut and some of the stainless steel has been attached (handrails & bollards):

Here's one from the third week, you can see now that all of the stainless steel is fitted. The windows have been sealed and the 'thing' on the roof by the dogbox is an extract fan as they've just painted the interior steel:

And here is our Christmas card from Piper Boats, I'm not too sure that they all look as if they want to be there?

So as I said above, with our launch scheduled for sometime in March, we're both really looking forward to the coming year. Our next visit to Piper is scheduled for 20th January when we expect the insulation and lining out to be nearing completion, this will mean a further stage payment (ouch!).

We expect to visit much more frequently after this, probably every two weeks as we understand that the internal fit out starts to move really quickly. Can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with it all, take care everything is shipshape - and keep us informed.
